Glaucoma Pearls for Doctors
These “Glaucoma Pearls” serve as a reference for ophthalmology residents (and any doctors who treat glaucoma) to deliver comprehensive, quality care to patients with glaucoma. With the global burden of glaucoma increasing each year, it is increasingly important to ensure that every eye care professional understands how to diagnose and treat this potentially blinding disease.
This site is by no means a comprehensive resource. The goal is to highlight practical clinical pearls, and you are encouraged to reference comprehensive textbooks, online resources, and original literature to stay up to date with the latest recommendations for patient care. There are many terrific glaucoma resources online and in print - see some favorites below.
Recommended glaucoma resources
AAO Glaucoma Education Center
Glaucoma Research Foundation
Bascom Palmer Learn: Glaucoma
Wills Eye Library: Glaucoma
Eyewiki nerve assessment
Glaucoma risk calculator (continuous)
Glaucoma risk calculator (points)
Glaucoma Landmark Studies
Clinical Decisions in Glaucoma
BCSC Glaucoma
Shields Textbook of Glaucoma